Why Choose Us?

Why Illari Threads?

Our Story

With so many Aesthetic Thread products flooding the marketplace, how do Physicians and medical practitioners decide which to choose for their Aesthetics Practice? It was not long ago where a medical practitioner could attend a conference and see only a few Aesthetic Thread companies offering their products, now it is common to see dozens of companies making similar claims of quality and services.

Illari Threads provides a combination of quality products, variety of PDO Thread choices, and comprehensive training with all packages for our customers. All Illari Thread products are FDA Cleared, be cautious of other companies making similar claims. Safety and efficacy are always the most important considerations regarding the products you choose, the procedures you perform, and in determining patients’ outcomes and expected results.

One of the most important factors regarding cosmetic thread suture procedures is to know that the outcome of any procedure is largely dependent on the skill and knowledge of the Physician or health care practitioner performing the technique. It is important to choose the best brand and the correct type of thread to be utilized. Without having a complete understanding of how to properly use and place Aesthetic Threads, practitioners will not get the outcome you or your patient are expecting.


At Illari Threads our goal is to ensure that in addition to providing the highest quality thread products, we support our practitioners with equally impressive educational training,

Choices of Education Platform

Educational training could be done through Live Patient, Hands On Workshops or, Preceptorship Training (one on one training) programs.


All our Aesthetic Thread products include comprehensive training with the most recognized, experienced trainers in the industry, Empire Medical Training.

Accredited & Experienced Training

EMT has been providing AMA accredited training for over 20 years and trains over 7,000 physicians each year in Aesthetic Threads Techniques and other cosmetic procedures.

Our Guarantees

Highest Quality Products

Our Story

The Illari Thread products have the highest Tensile strength in comparison to products of other brands ensuring that the longevity of a thread procedure will be consistent with the published expectations. Some thread companies only offer a few thread types, which may seem acceptable for the novice practitioner just starting out in threads, will be a detriment for the experienced or even the novice who is looking for additional thread options. The Illari brand provides the most complete series of both Smooth and Lifting products as well as specialty and mini-series threads for the eyes and other areas of the face and body.

Regarding costs, Illari Threads is the EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR to the entire Unites States. What does that mean in terms of pricing for you? What many practitioners may be unaware of is that most of the threads being distributed in the US, originate from a common manufacturer in Korea (not the case with Illari Threads). The difference is in the packaging and the number of distributors that have “marked up” their product before it reaches you. That means you are essentially paying more because of the number of distributors that your product must pass through before reaching you, the end user. With Illari Threads, we are the ONLY distributor in the USA and the only company handling these threads so there is no competition on quality and pricing for these FDA approved Threads.

Highest Quality Products
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