PDO Threads for facial indications
is the most popular procedures you will perform within your practice. Both smooth and COG (barb) PDO Threads are used to create amazing results either as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with other injectables such as dermal fillers and the various neurotoxins available. The technologies of PDO Threads have changed in the past (4) years and the various types of available to perform additional facial procedures make it easier to achieve desired results with patients.
Illari Pro Mono™ Threads
Illari Pro Screw™ Threads
Illari Volume-Up Embossed™ Threads
Illari Volume-Up Embossed Screw™ Threads
Illari Pro 6D Cog™ Threads
Illari Pro Cog V1™ Threads
Illari Pro Cog V2™ Threads
Illari Nose Cog™ Threads
Illari Multi-Braided Mesh™ (I-MBM™) Threads
Illari EYE-Z™ Threads
Illari Micro F™ Threads

This is the reason Illari Threads is committed to give the opportunity of training to all practitioners so they can learn the latest techniques, technologies, and safely add new PDO Thread procedures to their clients and provide superior results. We offer (5) different methods of learning through our training and firmly believe that better training leads to better outcomes and results.
The following is a partial listing of many of the facial conditions that patients will present that PDO Threads will correct and give improvement to with or without adjunctive aesthetic procedures performed:

Midface Lift:
The midface lift is a non-surgical procedure that can be used to reverse signs of aging and restore the natural V shape of the face. Smooth PDO threads in this instance are used to significantly tighten the jawline region as well as aid in the removal of marionette lines, nasolabial folds, and submental hollows in the face. The PDO threads create underlying support in these areas to contour the face, which leads to a new and young appearance. The sutures are placed in the desired pattern across the face to optimize lifting in the peri-oral area, or places with that show smooth fine lines. PDO threads not only create a lifting effect but boosts the production of collagen in the area to increase texture of the skin and a slimmer appearance. This procedure allows for immediate result that improve over the next several months after treatment takes place.
Jawline Contouring:
The intent of jaw contouring using PDO threads is to tighten the jowls, jawline, and pre-jowl sulcus of the patient. This is to create a more natural and slimmer look that gives symmetry to the face and eliminates unwanted contrasts in features. PDO threads are used to fill, lift, and contour the face into a younger appearance. This non-invasive procedure places absorbable threads in a strategic pattern to correct and volumize the intended area while providing slight lift to the patient. The results of the procedure are immediate as compared to other aesthetic procedures such as injectables. Various threads can be utilized in jawline contouring to achieve the desired amount of lift and volume. The results of this procedure are long-lasting, as they improve months after treatment.
Cat’s Eye (Fox Eye) Procedure:
This new, innovative procedure is similar to a lateral brow lift but supports a slight upturning of the lateral eye giving the appearance of a cat eye. The lifting effect is easily controlled by the practitioner to slightly raise or dramatically change the look of the eyes. The procedure uses barbed and smooth PDO Threads and is one of the more in-demand procedures with younger generations. This fashion trend has been showcased throughout social media and can be easily achieved in a (30) minute session.
Neck Lift:
One of the most popular methods for PDO threads is volumizing areas of the face that have been affected by atrophy. The neck lift is a procedure that does not respond well to injectable treatments which is why PDO threads is a viable option. Barb (COG) PDO threads can be used to easily lift sagging tissue as well as improve neck tissue laxity, creping skin, and neck furrows. While PDO threads aid in lifting the skin, they also contribute to new collagen formation to tighten and strengthen the area. The results of the procedure are instant and continue to be enhanced over the next few months after treatment.
Acne Scar Meshing:
PDO Threads can be used to easily eradicate acne scars. The area where the scars reside is improved using the volume of the threads injected to that area. Using a mesh method, increased volume is achieved under the area that is affected by the acne scars. Depressed areas are instantly plumped, and the volume of the thread creates more healthy, flexible skin. Also, subcision is accomplished by the placement of the PDO threads to break collagen bands to improve the scars and new collagen is created. This non-invasive procedure allows for the remodeling of collagen in the tissue and results in instant improvements.

Lip Flip:
There are various versions of the “Lip Flip” technique whether using Botox or dermal fillers. Depending on the version that is used, different results can be achieved. PDO threads are a healthier, less expensive method to define border of lips and lift the lips to attain the desired outcome. The pricing of PDO threads is like dermal fillers but the results of PDO threads last up to 2 years. Another benefit of PDO threads is the procedure is quite simple for physicians to perform quickly and efficiently to attain predictable outcomes. Twisted Screw PDO threads are not only for volume but will also consistently create a more defined border of the lips. This leads to the appearance of more plump lips. The procedure is improved by the introduction of new collagen in the area that improves the area months after the treatment.

Non-Surgical Brow Lift:
PDO threads are extensively used to achieve brow lifts for patients to accomplish a desired look or appearance. There are a wide range of names for the PDO thread procedure such as straight brow, enhanced brow arch, cat-eye, or ponytail brow. All these procedures are geared towards allowing the patient to choose what is best for them depending on their current appearance and what they would like to accomplish with the thread lift. The PDO thread brow lift is a minimally invasive, safe procedure that leads to instant results and improving results over time. PDO threads are placed in desired pattern in the brow region for a slight lift of the area and threads may be added to aid in the support of collagen booting. Over time, new collagen will be produced in the brow region, allowing additional lift and more healthy and elastic skin post-treatment.
Under Chin (Skin Laxity):
Using PDO threads under the chin tightens loose and excess skin in the submental area where the tissue is creating furrows. The cause of these furrows is skin laxity where the skin is droopier due to aging or other natural factors. PDO threads are extensively used in the neck region to contour the chin and increase the firmness of excessive skin. Tightening these regions under the neck and chin redistribute the excess skin as well as volumizing the tissues in the surrounding areas. The result of the procedure is a natural and smooth appearance that will continue to improve post procedure. The results are immediate and long-term.
Neckline Filling (Neck Furrows):
Even if a patient does not have a need to tighten loose skin, PDO threads can be utilized to increase the volume of depressed areas. Patients suffering from neck lines associated with the loss of collagen or volume in the neck would be a great candidate for neck-line filling. The intent of the PDO threads is to lift small creases within the skin that give the appearance of wrinkles. The result of using PDO threads to fill the depressed areas creates an improved, smooth appearance of the skin that aids in the natural aging process. The results of this minimally invasive procedure last longer than most conventional solutions.
Cheekbone Contouring:
Cheekbone contouring is like jawline contouring but, in this instance, the tissue across and above the cheekbone is being affected. The intent of the cheekbone lift is to make the area visually higher and more prominent. The PDO threads are placed to tighten surrounding areas of the cheek to further define the V shape of the patient’s face. This non-invasive procedure is easily utilized to create balance between both cheeks while making the cheekbones more prominent. Alternative methods of lifting such as an injectable treatment falls short of PDO threads because injectable procedures affect the cheekbones, but do not have the lifting effect that PDO threads offer. Various types of PDO threads can be used to achieve the desired result of the patient. The results of the procedure are long lasting and improve post-treatment.
Non-Surgical (Non-Invasive) Nose Treatment:
Specialty PDO threads can be used to lift the tip of the nose while also adding volume to areas of the nose that show contrast. The non-surgical nose treatment is an advanced procedure that involves various PDO threads to accomplish symmetry across the nasal and upper perioral regions of the face. The results after the treatment are immediate and improvement post-treatment can continue months after the placement of the sutures. PDO threads is a safe option to improve the overall appearance and symmetry of the nose.

Under Eye Filling (Tear Trough, Hollows, Circles):
PDO threads are extensively used for hollows and dark circles under the eye. The absorbable sutures placed under the eye create more smooth skin in the intended area using a collagen boosting method. The formation of new collagen in the area improves or eliminates tear troughs, wrinkles under the eye, or dark circles. The results of the procedure are dependent upon the anatomy of the patient and the severity of the indication needed for the patient. PDO threads for under eye procedures are superior to dermal filler techniques because the presence of the absorbable threads creates additional collagen to enhance the results for the patient. The non-invasive procedure leads to a more smooth and natural appearance under the eye. The results for this non-invasive procedure are instant and can be observed months after treatment.
Smile Line Filling:
PDO threads are a great alternative to dermal fillers when trying to improve smile lines and additional creases throughout the face. This is because additional smiling and skin movement can cause even more lines along the face. PDO threads build a mesh formation that limits the movement of skin to decrease the chance of more wrinkling or creasing in the area. PDO threads allow for increased tissue integration and volumizing in the area affected by smile lines. The placement of the absorbable sutures instantly corrects and tightens the area for a smoother appearance. Additional threads may be placed in the skin to aid with collagen boosting to support the net of sutures. The procedure offers instant results while achieving additional improvements months past the treatment.

The greater number of PDO Thread procedures you are able to perform the better aesthetic results you will achieve for patients. Enhance the quality of care for your patients and become certified by Illari Threads to be able to safely and successfully offer additional options to your patients.